(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.09.25 2019고단4735



1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for one year.

However, for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive, the above sentence shall be executed.


Punishment of the crime

【Summary of Criminal Organization】

1. D (E; hereinafter “E”) who is a Chinese national of the formation of a office in China, and obtained the database of the domestic victims’ personal information within the shipbuilding planning capacity, has attempted to establish facilities and personnel capable of planning and implementing a crime of acquiring money by deceiving the victims, by deceiving them to a financial institution, and by deceiving them as if they want to arrange a loan, and by deceiving them to do so.

2. E in preparation of physical facilities, such as the Bosing Organization Office and accommodation, according to the aforementioned criminal act plan, E in accordance with the said criminal act plan, from around 13, 2017 to around June 13, 2017, F apartment G of China, G of the G G of the G G of the G G G of the G G G, and from June 14, 2017

8. From August 21, 2017 to October 15, 2017, from around 2000 to around 200 to around 200, a household, including a book, etc., prepared as a staff member’s accommodation and office, respectively, of K apartment L and M, which is located in China, with a view to having a scke tower, computer, set-off, Internet facilities, and other office equipment, and prepared a physical facility for sckeing staff.

3. E functions based on the personnel composition and duties, including the selection of lighting staff, shall be a total book, and after opening several offices as above, one name N (O), one name P (name S), R (T), one name P (name V), one name Y, one name Y, one name AB (alias AC), AD (alias AE), one name AD (alias AE), one name AH, AI (alias AJ), AK (alias), AM (alias), BP (alias), BP, AP (alias), AS (alias), AS (alias), AS (alias), AS (alias), AS (alias), AS (alias), AS (UT), AV (UV), AV (UV), AV (IE), AX (IE), AH (IE) and Y (IE) as an organization name, B, and one-day name Z (OE), AY (IE) and one-day.