(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2017.09.13 2017고단1810



The prosecution of this case is dismissed.


1. The summary of the facts charged is that the Defendant, from around October 2015 to the Dong Ri of the same university as the victim B (n, 23 years of age), had a victim hedginged with another male on November 2016 on the ground that the victim had a sexual intercourse with another male, on the ground that he had a sexual intercourse with the victim.

A. On November 19, 2016, the Defendant assaulted the victim by putting the victim’s head head over the wall by reporting the situation in which the victim talks with another male and female, and putting the victim into the toilet of the above building, depending on the victim who was going into the toilet of the above building, and putting the victim’s arms up to the floor, and putting the victim’s head head over the wall.

B. Defendant 2 violated the Act on Promotion of the Use of Information and Communications Network and Information Protection, Etc. (Defamation) posted a letter, such as “IPking Lyal,” etc., to the right that the victim would not be erroneous for the reason the victim was the victim committed against the Defendant, and that the victim would be able to view the victim’s members of the victim’s Pukyal, etc., on the Pukyal, and if the victim sent a Kakao Kakao Stockholm Kakao Stockholm on November 22, 2016 at around 21:00, when the victim sent the victim’s Puk Kao Stockholm that he had sexual intercourse with another male, other than the Defendant, to the members of the Pari Do, around 21:00, 2016.

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The defendant who violates the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and the victim's telephone.