(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.08.28 2015노1762



All appeals by the Defendants are dismissed.


1. The summary of the grounds for appeal against the Defendants is too unreasonable in the lower court’s punishment (for Defendant A, 2 years of suspended execution, 5 million won of fine, 160 hours of community service order, 686,00 won of additional collection, 4 million won of fine) against each of the Defendants.

2. In the case of Defendant B, there is no previous conviction or fine in addition to the previous convictions resulting from the crime of this kind, and there is no previous conviction or fine in excess of the previous convictions.

However, in full view of the following circumstances: (a) the Defendants engaged in the business of arranging sexual traffic using an Internet medium with high radio wave; (b) the act of arranging sexual traffic is highly harmful to the society by commercializing the female sex and undermining the sound sexual culture and good morals; and (c) the Defendant A had been sentenced to a fine of KRW 10 million on September 24, 2014; and (d) the motive, means and consequence of the instant crime; (b) the Defendants’ age, character and behavior, environment, health conditions, criminal records, and circumstances after the crime, etc., all of the sentencing circumstances shown in the records, including the motive, means and consequence of the instant crime; and (c) the Defendants’ age, character and behavior, health conditions, criminal records, and the circumstances after the crime, it

3. The Defendants’ appeal is without merit and all of them are dismissed under Article 364(4) of the Criminal Procedure Act.