(영문) 수원지방법원 평택지원 2016.10.13 2016고단347



Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and six months.

However, for two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive against the Defendants.


Punishment of the crime


A, D, and E are between a middle school and a middle school, and Defendant B was a woman-friendly Gu of Defendant A, Defendant C, and Defendant B via Defendant B, with introduction of Defendant A, D, and E, and the studio of C from January 2016, and the studio of C from January 2016.

On December 2015, Defendants came to know of the following personal information, address, account number, etc. and to use the loan under the name of their people to seek jobs by approaching many people through Facebook, Kakakaox, etc., Defendant E, A, Defendant C, the role of planning and leading the total crime, Defendant C, Defendant B, and C, Defendant B, and Defendant D, who intended to receive loans from the above people or to seek jobs, were recruited to take the most part in the course of the loan.

1. Defendants 5 joint crimes

A. On February 12, 2016, the Defendants sent a message to Defendant B’s OSB bank in the name of Defendant B’s criminal act 1 N on February 11, 2016 to the effect that Defendant B was carrying on the Defendant B’s oral business through Defendant B’s Facebook, and that Defendant B would be aware of only one day.


D) Defendant A, B, C, and E are entrusted to commit the crime according to the above conspiracys as above, and Defendant A, B, C, and E stated to the effect that “N must be informed of the personal information, address, and account number of PP, located in Pyeongtaek-siO at around 14:30 of the 12th of the same month according to the above conspiracys, and that “N should only be notified of the personal information, address, and account number of PP, as known by us at the time of telephone.”

However, in fact, the Defendants did not have the intention or ability to provide NN with the aforementioned information, and they do not know that they came to know.