(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2015.08.12 2015고단182




A, F, G, and I Imprisonment with prison labor for 5 months, Defendant B, and H for 4 months, Defendant C, and D, respectively, shall be punished by imprisonment for 3 months.


Punishment of the crime

In order to stabilize the housing of homeless workers, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport with the structure of the fraudulent act of lending the deposit money for the deposit money for the deposit money for the deposit money for the deposit money for the deposit money for the deposit money for the deposit money for the deposit money for the deposit money for the deposit of the deposit money for the deposit money for the

The loan hub of this case, which consists of a loan hub, tenant recruitment book, tenant recruitment book, tenant recruitment book, tenant recruitment book, document forgery book, etc., takes advantage of the fact that the financial institution entrusted with the business related to the loan of the loan of the loan of the loan of the loan of the house can easily obtain the loan through a formal examination when submitting only the documents related to employment and the contract of the loan of the loan of the house through a formal examination. Under the comprehensive order of the loan hub, the tenant recruitment book falsely conducts the loan of the loan of the loan of the loan of the loan of the worker while recruiting the loan holder to make a request for the loan of the loan of the loan of the loan of the loan of the loan of the worker. The recruitment book of the lessor and the licensed real estate agent conducts false recruitment with the owner of the house who will play a false role as if the false tenant actually enters into the contract of the lease of the house of the lease of the house between the false tenant and the false tenant. The document forgery prepared a false contract of the loan in the name of the lender, prepared a false employment certificate, detailed statement, income tax confirmation, etc.

Specific criminal facts by defendant

1. Defendant A and Defendant B play a false role as a lessee from the tenant recruitment policy that cannot be identified around July 2012.