(영문) 광주지방법원 2017.03.30 2016고단3799




A Imprisonment for one year, each of the defendants B, C, D, E, and F shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the defendants are the defendants.


Criminal facts


A entered the Republic of Korea around March 30, 2004 with the nationality of Pakistan, and Defendant B entered the Republic of Korea on July 5, 201 with the nationality of Vietnam on or around July 27, 2011. Defendant C entered the Republic of Korea on or around July 27, 201 with the nationality of Vietnam, Defendant D entered the Republic of Korea on or around March 15, 201 with the nationality of Vietnam. Defendant E entered the Republic of Korea on or around November 9, 2010 with the nationality of Vietnam, and Defendant F entered the Republic of Korea on or around October 19, 2010 with the nationality of Vietnam.


B, C, D, E, and F knew that if the refugee application is filed in the Republic of Korea, the status of stay can be changed and that the refugee application can be legally staying in the Republic of Korea, they decided to apply for a false refugee in collusion with the defendant A, who is a bromoer for refugee application.

1. On December 28, 2015, Defendant A and Defendant B did not reside in the territory of the Incheon Immigration Office, and did not have been threatened by the already readers. However, according to the direction of Defendant A, Defendant A stated false details that “I” and “I are threatened by the Kukkiwons,” in the column and column of the residence address of the refugee application and the reason thereof,” and obtained permission for the change of the location and status of residence (E-9-3G1) from the lawsuit of immigration control by submitting a false refugee application to a public official who is aware of the circumstances, along with a false lease agreement entered in the name of Defendant A and I prepared by the introduction of Defendant A and the tenant B.

As a result, the Defendants conspired and interfered with the legitimate execution of duties by public officials of the immigration management office in charge of changing the location of the body and changing the status of stay through fraudulent means.

2. Defendant A and Defendant C did not reside in the members of Ansan-si, and did not have any threat from the former male-gu. However, Defendant A’s instruction according to the direction of Defendant A, although there was no fact that around January 11, 2016, the branch office of the Incheon Immigration Control Office was located in the members of Ansan-si.