(영문) 대구지방법원 2012.11.09 2012고정2302



Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 2,000,000.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, 50,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

On April 18, 2012, the Defendant was sentenced to ten months of imprisonment for a crime of fraud in the Daegu District Court Port Branch of the Daegu District Court, and the said judgment became final and conclusive on April 26, 2012.

Around 19:20 on January 8, 2012, the Defendant entered the Daegu Jung-gu B restaurant, Daegu-gu, and ordered the victim C to have food worth KRW 22,000 in total, including KRW 15,000, KRW 200, KRW 6,000, KRW 1,000, and KRW 1,000.

However, the Defendant did not have any money to pay the food cost, even if ordered as above, and did not intend to pay it.

Accordingly, the Defendant was provided with food equivalent to 22,00 won in total by deceiving the victim and deceiving the victim.

around 12:00 on January 31, 2012, the Defendant 201, "201" entered a restaurant in Daegu-gu D D D, Daegu-gu, and drinked by drinking 34,00 won, including the sum of KRW 1 5,000 won, KRW 5,000, KRW 5,000, KRW 5,000, KRW 4,000 for drinking water, and KRW 34,000 for drinking water, KRW 4,00 for drinking water, KRW 2,00 for 2,00 for 2,000 for 2,500 for 2,000 for 34,00 won for drinking on the same day.

However, the defendant did not have money to pay food costs.

Accordingly, the defendant deceivings the victim and obtained food equivalent to the sum of 34,000 won from the victim.

The defendant of "2012 Go-Ma3082" did not have an intention or ability to pay the drinking value to a person who is on old age without a fixed residence.

Nevertheless, at around 20:20 on January 7, 2012, the Defendant ordered the victim G to be 9 beer and beer.

As such, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim, did not pay the alcohol value equivalent to KRW 150,00 from the victim, such as beer nine diseases, beer, and beer, thereby acquiring pecuniary benefits from the same amount of money.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Each police interrogation protocol against the accused;

1. Each written statement of C, E, and G;

1. Each receipt; and

1. Invoice;

1. Previous convictions in judgment: they are bound to the records of public trial;