The defendant is not guilty. The summary of the judgment against the defendant shall be published.
1. On March 17, 2014, the summary of the facts charged: (a) around 14:30 on March 17, 2014, the Defendant: (b) at the Dart warehouse located in Young-gu, Suwon-si, Suwon-si, wherein E, a captain, was dissatisfied with his/her employee’s neglect of duty and obstructed the Defendant from working, and, at the same time, he/she was faced with the body of E while walking off with Lcars, thereby causing damage to E, such as salt, tension, etc. in need of approximately two weeks of treatment.
2. The defendant's assertion that, in order to prevent the defendant who wants to lose goods in Lcar, the defendant alleged that E was suffering from the defendant's arms, and that he did not cause the defendant to walk with Lcar, and that he did not cause any injury to E.
3. Determination
A. Although the Defendant made a statement at E’s investigative agency and court that conforms to the facts of the Defendant’s walking with Lcar, it is difficult to believe in light of the following circumstances known by the record, and the remainder of the evidence submitted by the Prosecutor alone is insufficient to recognize it.
1) E이 2014. 3. 17.자 진술서에서와 2014. 3. 21. 조사 당시에는 ‘피고인이 L카를 저에게 밀어 바닥에 넘어졌다’는 취지로 진술하다가 2014. 4. 6. 대질조사 당시에 비로소 ‘피고인이 L카를 발로 걷어찼다’는 진술을 하였는바, 진술의 일관성이 부족하다. 2) E은 법정에서 ‘피고인이 발로 찬 L카에 맞아 왼쪽 정강이 부분에 멍이 들었고, 병원에서도 그 부분 통증을 호소하였으며, 왼쪽 다리 X-ray도 찍었다’는 취지로 진술하였으나, F 정형외과의원에 대한 사실조회 회보서(증 제2호)의 기재에 따르면, E은 병원에서 경부 및 좌측 흉곽 후면의 통증을 호소하였을 뿐 왼쪽 발이나 다리의 통증을 언급한 바가 전혀 없고, 방사선 검사도 다리가 아닌 경추부에 대하여만 했던 것으로 보인다.
B. In addition, the Defendant was in excess of E, while walking a knife with a knife.