(영문) 서울고등법원 2015.03.25 2014나56784



1. The defendant's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Defendant.

Purport of claim and appeal



In the first instance court, the plaintiff sought the payment of loans to the defendant as the primary claim, and sought the payment of damages for tort by the conjunctive claim. The first instance court dismissed the primary claim and partly accepted the preliminary claim.

Since the defendant appealed only against this, this Court decides only the conjunctive claim.

Basic Facts

From May 9, 2003 to November 29, 2006, the Plaintiff, at the request of the Defendant, remitted total of KRW 5,625,000 to the Defendant, as indicated in the following table, as the “transfer date” and “amount sent”.

From October 6, 2003 to February 9, 2004, the Defendant repaid to the Plaintiff the sum of KRW 3,780,000,000 on five occasions, as indicated in the following table, as the date of performance and the amount of repayment.

순번 송금일 송금액(원) 순번 변제일 변제액(원) 비고 1 2003. 5. 9. 2,000,000 1 2003. 10. 6. 300,000 미변제 부분 시효소멸 2 2003. 5. 12. 3,000,000 2 2003. 11. 5. 1,200,000 미변제 부분 시효소멸 3 2003. 5. 27. 4,000,000 3 2003. 11. 12. 700,000 미변제 부분 시효소멸 4 2003. 6. 25. 900,000 4 2003. 11. 17. 400,000 미변제 부분 시효소멸 5 2003. 7. 9. 10,000,000 5 2004. 2. 9. 1,180,000 미변제 부분 시효소멸 6 2003. 8. 20. 3,000,000 미변제 부분 시효소멸 7 2003. 8. 25. 3,000,000 미변제 부분 시효소멸 8 2004. 3. 3. 1,000,000 9 2004. 3. 23. 3,300,000 10 2004. 4. 14. 10,000,000 11 2004. 6. 8. 1,000,000 12 2004. 6. 22. 500,000 13 2004. 6. 25. 1,400,000 14 2004. 6. 28. 900,000 15 2004. 12. 4. 300,000 16 2005. 10. 1. 965,000 17 2006. 1. 27. 360,000 형사 유죄판결 18 2006. 2. 5. 500,000 형사 유죄판결 19 2006. 3. 11. 700,000 형사 유죄판결 20 2006. 3. 24. 100,000 형사 유죄판결 21 2006. 4. 1. 100,000 형사 유죄판결 순번 송금일 송금액(원) 순번 변제일 변제액(원) 비고 22 2006. 5. 4. 2,000,000 형사 유죄판결 23 2006. 5. 5. 1,000,000 형사 유죄판결 24 2006. 6. 8. 2,000...