(영문) 인천지방법원 2019.01.11 2018고합485



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Criminal facts

"2018, 485"

1. The Defendant, together with B, took advantage of the fact that people in parks, playgrounds, etc. laid their mobile phone equipment in the vicinity and do an election campaign, they stolen the mobile phone device by using the fact that they were neglected to exercise their care.

At around 17:05 on May 15, 2018, the Defendant, along with B, stolen mobile phone devices at the head of the Incheon University Egalian City, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, and then discovered the victim C’s movement, and then cut off three mobile phones of the total market value of KRW 2.85,000,000,00 from May 20, 2018, including that B collected it and took it back together with the Defendant who was able to keep it around, and that B took it back from around, the market value of the victims owned by the victim two times, as shown in the attached List of Crimes (1).

Accordingly, the defendant stolen the property owned by the victims together with B.

"2018 Gohap597"

2. From around 21:00 on May 13, 2018 to around 22:0, the Defendant and B had a view to theft of a mobile phone set up by the students who fested in the seat of the deaf-gu in the above sports site, and the Defendant considered the surrounding area and reported the network, and Party B took a theft with one mobile phone set up in the 8 mobile phone owned by the victim D and one mobile phone set up in the 7 mobile phone owned by the victim E.

Afterwards, the Defendant and B moved to put put to put to place place place place place in the said playground, and the Defendant took care of the surrounding area and reported the network, and B stolen Samsung 8 mobile phones, which is equivalent to KRW 1 million in the market value of Samsung F owned by the victim F, located adjacent to the stadium.

As a result, the defendant stolen the victims' property jointly with B.

"2018 Gohap628"

3. The Defendant and B used that people in parks, playgrounds, etc. leave the cell phone device in the vicinity of the cell phone and neglected to exercise their care, on board and moving a vehicle together, and the Defendant was able to get off and move the vehicle in the vicinity.