A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.
The prosecution of assault against C among the facts charged of this case is dismissed.
Punishment of the crime
On May 29, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to 8 months in the Jeju District Court for the crime of injury, etc., and on September 30, 2014, the Defendant completed the enforcement of the sentence in the Jeju Correctional Institution.
1. In a state where the Defendant was unable to discern things or make decisions due to a network type mental division, and around 04:00 on November 4, 2014, at around 04:00, the Defendant inflicted injury on the victim F(48 years of age) who had drinking alcohol at the same restaurant with the trade name “E” located in Jeju-si, namely, “E” in Jeju-si, and without any justifiable reason, caused the victim to undergo approximately two weeks of medical treatment when he/she met the head, part, etc. of the victim’s head, and part, etc.
2. 피고인은 망상형 정신분열병으로 인하여 사물을 변별하거나 의사를 결정할 능력이 미약한 상태에서, 2014. 11. 11. 18:40경 제주시 소재 대기고 버스정류장에서 성명을 알 수 없는 학생과 시비를 하던 중, 730번 버스가 도착하여 위 학생이 버스에 승차하려고 하자 뒤에서 가방을 잡아당기며 차량 탑승을 방해하다가 위 버스에 타고 있던 피해자 G(여, 60세)의 도움으로 위 학생이 버스에 탑승하게 되자 위 학생을 따라 버스에 올라타 피해자에게 “남편도 없는 과부니까 그런 식으로 행동을 한다”라고 하는 등 계속하여 험담을 하고, 같은 날 19:40경 천수동 버스정류장에서 하차하는 피해자를 뒤따라 내려 피고인을 피해 도망가는 피해자를 뒤쫓아 가 손으로 피해자의 상의를 잡아챈 다음 수미터를 끌어당겨 피해자를 폭행하였다.
3. In a state where the Defendant lacks the ability to discern things or make decisions due to a network-based mental division, the Defendant: (a) around November 20, 2014; (b) around November 23:0, 2014; (c) around 308 of a dormitory where the Victim J(43) located in the Jeju Branch of Jeju Island located in the Jeju Branch; and (d) the victim in telephone calls with another person would wish to the other person; and (c) the victim would be the victim.