(영문) 서울고등법원 2013.10.18.선고 2013노2566 판결



2013No2566 Violation of the Public Official Election Act






Competence (prosecutions) and Appellants (public trial)

Defense Counsel

Attorney K (Korean National Assembly)

The judgment below

Seoul Central District Court Decision 2013Gohap305 Decided July 24, 2013

Imposition of Judgment

oly 10, 18


The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

A. misunderstanding of facts and misapprehension of legal principles

(1) Since the Defendant delegated the advertisement to H and demanded confirmation as to whether it does not conflict with the election law at the time of delegation, there was no perception of illegality.

(2) The Defendant only intended to point out the risk of 'human priority' in North Korea’s Constitution, but did not have a purpose to defeat a specific candidate.

B. Unreasonable sentencing

The sentence of the lower court (one million won of a fine) is too unreasonable.

2. Determination

A. Judgment on misconception of facts and misapprehension of legal principles

(1) Determination as to the assertion of illegality awareness

A) The judgment of the court below

In the lower court’s argument that this part of the grounds of appeal are the same as the Defendant alleged in the grounds of appeal, and the lower court acknowledged that the Defendant requested H to review the contents of the instant advertisement prior to the publication of the advertisement inserted in the East Asia (hereinafter “instant advertisement”), as stated in the facts constituting the facts of the lower judgment, but, in other words, the Defendant was found guilty by inserting the advertisement of the contents opposing a specific candidate in the 19th National Assembly member broadcast around March 2012, which was prior to the publication of the instant advertisement, and the Defendant’s academic background, social career, etc. were sufficiently aware of the possibility that the contents of the instant advertisement may conflict with the Public Official Election Act at the time of the publication of the instant advertisement. Nevertheless, the lower court rejected the Defendant’s allegation that the Defendant did not have any legitimate reason to deem that the Defendant did not have any legal review the content of the instant advertisement to the person in charge of the East Asia advertising, who did not have any professional position to determine whether the Defendant violated the Public Official Election Act, and that the Defendant did not have any unlawful intent.

(B) Judgment of the court below

원심 및 당심이 적법하게 채택하여 조사한 증거들에 의하면, 원심이 위 사실 및 사정들을 인정하고 위와 같이 판단한 것은 정당한 것으로 수긍이 가고, 여기에다가 위 증거들에 의하여 인정되는 다음 사정, 즉 피고인은 2012. 12. 4.경 H를 통하여 동아일보 및 조선일보에 광고게재를 의뢰하였는데, 그 내용이 동아일보의 광고는 원심 판시 범죄사실 기재와 같고, 조선일보의 광고는 '5000년 최상의 지도자 L, 그를 얼마나 아십 니까?'라는 제목의 광고(수사기록 39-1면)였던 점, 조선일보는 위 광고 문안에 대하여 선거관리위원회에 검토를 의뢰하여 아무런 문제가 없다는 답변을 받은 후 2012. 12. 11. 위 광고를 신문에 게재하였는데, 동아일보는 이 사건 광고에 관하여 선거관리위원회에 검토를 의뢰하지 않은 채 내부 검토만을 거친 후 2012. 12. 10. 이 사건 광고를 신문에 게재한 점, 이에 관하여 H는 당심법정에서 "위 광고게재 의뢰 당시 피고인이 본인에게 전화하여 '각 신문사로 하여금 반드시 선거관리위원회의 검토를 받아 OK 받을 경우에만 광고를 내달라. 피고인이 광고가 나가지 않아도 좋으니 선거관리위원회의 검토를 받으라고 하였다.'라고 하였다. 이에 따라 동아일보 및 조선일보에 동시에 광고문안을 보내면서 각 신문사 광고국에 위와 같은 피고인의 요구사항을 전달하였다."라고 진술하였으나, 위와 같이 피고인이 이 사건 광고의 게재 전에 선거관리위원회의 사전 검토를 필수적인 것으로 H에게 말하였고 H가 이를 동아일보에 전달하였음에도, 앞서 본 바와 같이 동아일보가 이러한 절차를 거치지 않은 채 이 사건 광고를 신문에 게재한다는 것은 납득하기 어렵고, H가 수사기관에서 조사받을 당시에는 피고인이 H에게 위와 같은 말을 하였다는 사실을 진술하지 않았던 사정 등에 비추어 볼 때 피고인이 H에게 이 사건 광고 게재를 의뢰할 당시 위와 같은 말을 하였는지 의심스러운 점, 또한 H의 당심법정 진술에 의하면, "본인이 위와 같은 피고인의 요구사항을 동아일보에 전달하였음에도 동아일보가 내부 검토만을 거친 채 '이 사건 광고 게재가 별 문제가 없다.'는 취지로 본인에게 답변한 것을 H가 다시 피고인에게 전달하였을 때, 피고인이 '알았다.'라고 답변하여 이 사건 광고가 신문에 게재되었다."는 것인데, 이 역시 이 사건 광고의 게재 전에 피고인이 '선거관리위원회의 사전 검토를 필수적인 것으로 요구하였다.'는 피고인의 주장 및 H의 당심법정 진술과 맞지 않을 뿐만 아니라, H의 위 진술에 의하더라도 동아일보가 이 사건 광고에 대하여 선거관리위원회의 검토를 받지 않은 채 광고를 게재하는 것에 대하여 피고인이 동의하여 결국 이 사건 광고가 신문에 게재된 것인 점, 아래에서 보는 바와 같이 비록 피고인이 이 사건 광고에서 F 후보자의 명칭을 직접 언급하지는 않았지만, 이 사건 광고가 F 후보자를 특정하여 그를 반대하는 내용의 광고임은 분명해 보이는 점, 이 사건 광고와 피고인이 조선일보에 의뢰한 '5000년 최상의 지도자 L, 그를 얼마나 아십니까?'라는 제목의 위 광고는 그 내용이 완전히 다르므로 조선일보의 위 광고에 대하여 선거관리위원회가 이상 없다는 답변을 주었다고 하더라도 이에 따라 이 사건 광고 역시 별 문제 없다고 단정할 수는 없는 점 등을 더하여 보면 원심의 위 판단에 피고인이 지적하는 위법이 있다고는 보이지 아니.한다. 피고인의 위 주장은 받아들이지 아니한다.

(2) Determination as to the assertion of the purpose of the abortion

(A) The judgment of the court below

The court below also argued that this part of the grounds of appeal are the same, and the court below rejected the defendant's assertion that the 18th presidential election was practically the bilateral compromise between the candidate and the EF candidate at the time when the advertisement of this case was published, that at the time, the F candidate was carrying out an election campaign using a banner and election campaign bulletin stating the above phrase "I Da Da Da" as a catch, and that at the time, the defendant criticizes that the term "human priority" in the advertisement of this case mainly prior to the publication of this case is common sense and common sense of North Korea, and that the term "human priority" in the advertisement of this case was the same as the words "I am ymp" of the F candidate, and that the defendant's expression "I am 'I am am 'I am am 'I am am 'I am am 'I am am 'I am am 'I am am 'I am am'.

B) Determination of the immediate deliberation

Whether there exists a “purpose that may affect the election” under Article 93(1) of the Public Official Election Act ought to be determined in light of social norms by comprehensively taking into account the Defendant’s social status, the relationship between the Defendant, candidate, or candidate or political party, motive, process and method of the act, contents and manner of the act, social situation at the time of the act, etc. (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decision 2011Do3447, Jun. 24, 2011).

According to the evidence duly adopted and examined by the court below, the above circumstances stated by the court below can be recognized, and in light of the above legal principles, the above judgment of the court below is just and acceptable, and there is no violation of law as alleged by the defendant. This part of the defendant's assertion is without merit.

B. Determination on the assertion of unfair sentencing

The crime of this case, as stated in the facts of the crime in the judgment of the court below, is committed by inserting advertisements that contain contents of opposing candidates for E-party F, in which "any person first Da" was placed in a very important daily newspaper with high spreading immediately before the 18th presidential election in order to influence the election, and thus the nature of such crime is not somewhat weak, and the defendant has been punished several times for the same crime such as violation of the Public Official Election Act even before the case, and the defendant seems not to reflect his mistake until the trial of the case, and further examining all the conditions of the argument of this case such as the defendant's age, character, character, and family environment, the sentencing criteria of the Sentencing Committee of the Supreme Court and the jury's opinion on the sentencing of the jury in the participatory trial are too unreasonable. Thus, the above argument of the defendant is without merit.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, the defendant's appeal is without merit, and it is dismissed in accordance with Article 364 (4) of the Criminal Procedure Act. It is so decided as per Disposition.


The presiding judge and judges shall be appointed.

Judges Kim Gin-ran

Judges Yoon Jong-dae