(영문) 창원지방법원 2016.10.18 2016고단2925



The defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the above sentence shall be executed for two years from the date of the final judgment.


Criminal facts


On December 2, 2015, A, with the knowledge of the fact that the business owner F in the second floor of the Jinhae-si E-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City, in the name of "G", provided accommodation on the third floor of the above E-building, and the F wishes to conduct the arrangement of commercial sex acts with the principal F and employees of the above E-building; Defendant B is willing to conduct the arrangement of commercial sex acts on the condition that F will take 1.8 million won per month from F at the above establishment on April 2015; Defendant C is willing to conduct the arrangement of commercial sex acts on the condition that F will take 1.8 million won per month from F at the first place on May 2016 at the above establishment.

Accordingly, Defendant A posted an advertisement advertisement to suggest sexual traffic with the trade name “G” on the Internet commercial sex acts site, such as H, I, etc. from the date of December 2015. From that time to May 14, 2016, Defendant A sent to the said business site a notice of the advertisement preparation and management Act and the computer usage method in the said business site to Defendant B, etc., Defendant A visited the said business site and sent to F by prohibiting commercial sex acts by visiting the said business site, and then sent F along with F around June 4, 2016.


B around May 30, 2016, after reporting the advertisement writing at the above business establishment and making a promise for phone calls to receive identification cards, company identification cards, etc., and following verification procedures to verify the identity of male customers who visited the above business establishment, B, after receiving 70,000 won or 110,000 won per hour from the above customer, provided the above customer with guidance for sexual intercourses after guiding the above customer into a smuggling room in which sexual traffic, such as L, M, N,O, etc., is waiting for sexual intercourses, and then arranged for sexual intercourses by the above method from May 14, 2015 to June 22:30, 2016.


C around June 14, 2016, a male guest who visited the above advertisement at the above business establishment after making a report on the telephone call, and then made a promise to do so.