A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.
except that the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.
Punishment of the crime
The Defendant is a person who works as an executive director of the Pharmaceutical Marketing Co., Ltd. from April 201 to August 2013, and was in full charge of supplying medicines manufactured by the Victim Association, Inc., Ltd., Ltd., Ltd. (hereinafter “victim”) to the hospital and wholesaler.
On October 1, 2011, the Defendant entered into an entrustment contract for marketing services with the damaged company under the above C name, and according to the above contract, the Defendant received data (EDI, Eleccomic DNA data processing, statistical data by pharmaceutical company, or prescription and consumption statistics by pharmaceutical company) regarding drugs produced by the victimized company from the affected company to promote the marketing of drugs manufactured by the victimized company, and to verify the result of the sales of drugs manufactured by the victimized company, and submitted to the victimized company, the victimized company received the data (EDI, Eleccomic data processing, statistical data by pharmaceutical company, or prescription and consumption statistics by pharmaceutical company). Based on such data, the victimized company paid the marketing service commission fee calculated according to the agreement to C, and the Defendant received the remainder after deducting taxes, operating expenses, etc. from the
The Defendant failed to receive marketing service commission fees from the victimized company because he was unable to sell drugs manufactured by the victimized company, and thus failed to receive marketing service commission fees from the victimized company, and forged the above drug prescription data (EI) and received the shares of the Defendant in marketing service commission fees to receive them from the victimized company.
1. For the purpose of exercising the commission fee for marketing services at the above C office located in the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Gwangjin-gu D Building 302 around November 201, the Defendant of the forgery of private documents and the uttering of the above investigation document, as if he purchased and used medicine equivalent to the sum of 3,96,460 won produced by the injured company during the period from October 1, 201 to October 31, 201.