(영문) 특허법원 2015.09.10 2015허3306



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

(a) The filing date/application number B/C 2: 3) the designated goods classified as category 3: cosmetics of category 3, diva, skin, skination, skination, skncke, sknckeer, eckncke, Face social cream, skin white-cream, cremation for cremation, Handbke, Handbling for cremation, cosmetics for mecke business, meck-cream, meck-caking, meck-caking, mar-type, mar-type, block, shamper, shamp, shamp, shampine, cosmetic-4): the Plaintiff;

(b) Date of registration/registration number of the registered trademark: on April 6, 2010, 100 : Shall be used as the sprink, flaves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, laves, lash.