(영문) 수원지방법원 평택지원 2013.11.27 2013고합137



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

A candidate for medical treatment and custody shall be punished by medical treatment and custody.


Criminal facts

In addition, the facts leading to medical treatment and custody [criminal facts] Defendant and applicant for medical treatment and custody (hereinafter referred to as “Defendant”) committed the following crimes in a state that they lack the ability or decision making ability to discern things due to mental disorder due to the negotiology and excessive intake of alcohol, acute addiction, dependence symptoms, memory loss, etc.

1. On August 28, 2013, from around 22:00 to around 22:30, the Defendant obstructed the victim’s bathing management work by force by avoiding disturbance for about 30 minutes, such as taking a bath to an unspecified number of customers who take a bath without any justifiable reason, and pushing the customers with a bath and cutting down the dys kept at a time, thereby obstructing the victim’s bathing management work.

2. On August 29, 2013, around 01:15, the Defendant damaged public goods: (a) was arrested as a flagrant offender and detained in the detention room in Pyeongtaek-dong, Pyeongtaek-dong, 619; and (b) when the Defendant was arrested as a flagrant offender due to the crime under paragraph (1) and was detained in the detention room; (c) the Defendant expressed to the police officers on his name in his/her place that he/she died of the spack spack; and (d) expressed to the police officers in his/her name in his/her place that he/she expressed that “the spack spack spack spack spack spack spack spack spack spack spack spack spack spack spack spack spack sp

3. On August 29, 2013, around 14:37, the Defendant entered into a residential village in Pyeongtaek-si 206-dong, and without any justifiable reason, without any justifiable reason, entered the residential village system, which was installed on the entrance door of the first floor in order to prevent an outside person from entering the residential village. In order to prevent the outside person’s unauthorized access, the Defendant, who was an apartment manager, operated a number on several occasions without permission of G, but failed the number, and entered the apartment house into the 206-dong apartment by entering the building site when the resident of the above apartment in the name is released from the entrance locking system.

(b) medical treatment and custody;