1. Invention No. 976075 of the Patent Tribunal’s decision on July 3, 2014 rendered by the Intellectual Property Tribunal on the case No. 1893.
1. Basic facts
A. Name 1 of the instant patent invention: The date of international filing/Korean translation submission / the date of priority claim / the date of registration/ the date of registration/registration number: the date of April 8, 2003// April 28, 2005/ October 28, 2002/ No. 9760753, Aug. 10, 2010: Defendant 4) at the time of registration of the claims (the port of claim and the remainder of claims are omitted, while the claims are stated as the subject of the instant petition for invalidation trial).
【Request No. 1 【A’ and Chemical RSIO3/2’s de facto de facto de facto de facto de facto de facto de facto de facto de facto de facto de facto de facto de facto ratio consisting of not less than two listed groups per minute 1 and not less than one listed group. R is a hydrocarbon group.
(B)Egresponding Group of 1/99 through 9/100 of its component (A) is used for the weight of 1/200 or more of its component (C), 1/200 or more of its total weight of 1/200 or more of its component is for the Egresponding Group or 200 of its total weight of 1/200 or more, 4/200 or more of its component is for the Egresponding Group or for the Egresponding Group of 1/20 or more of its total quantity of 1/20 or more, 4/200 or more of its component is for the Egresponding Group and for the Egresponding Group of 20 or more of its total weight of 1/200 or more, 4/200 or more of its gresponding Products, 20/200 or more of its average gresponding 23/201/20 or more of them.