(영문) 울산지방법원 2015.06.11 2015고단561



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is a person who is engaged in driving of a vehicle B with low bid.

On February 8, 2015, the Defendant driven the said car at around 18:10, while driving the said car at a speed from Ulsan-gu U.S., Ulsan-gu, U.S., to the speed of the U.S. postal zone from the new Tri-gu to the e-mail.

In such cases, a person engaged in driving of a motor vehicle has a duty of care to safely operate the steering system by accurately operating the steering wheel and brake system.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, by neglecting this, was driven by the victim C(43 years old, n, n) who was in the atmosphere of traffic at the front of the vehicle operated by the Defendant, and was driven by the victim C(43 years old, n, n) with the front part of the vehicle operated by the Defendant, and brought about the front part of the car with the front part of the vehicle operated by the Defendant, which led to the shock of the F knife car driven by the victim E(40 years old) who was in the front of the signal, and brought about the shock of the F knife car driven by the victim E(38 years old) who was in the front of the vehicle and was standing in the front of the vehicle, and shocked the front part of the car with the J nife car driven by the victim I(38 years old, n, n) who was in operation on the opposite line.

The Defendant’s negligence caused the injury of the victim C, the victim K (the 47 years old), the victim L (the 10 years old, the 14 years old), and the victim M (the 14 years old) by its occupational negligence to the injury of the knife of the knife of the knife, etc. which requires the above knife treatment for about two weeks. The victim E, the driver of the knife knife, suffered the injury of the knife of the knife, etc. which requires approximately two weeks of treatment. The victim N(the knife, the knife's driver), the victim N(the knife, the knife's driver), the knife's knife's knife's knife's knife's knife's driver, and the knife's k's driver.