(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.12.08 2016고단5503



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. Summary of the facts charged

A. The Defendant against the victim E is a person who operated “G” and “H” as a credit business chain under Article 101 of the Jung-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government F Building No. 101, and I (the indictment of non-detained on April 29, 201) is a person who operated K in Seocho-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government J.

On June 2010, the above I requested the defendant to mediate the loan of 25 billion won for the acquisition of L from the victim E in the middle of 2010, and requested the defendant to mediate the loan of 25 billion won.

Accordingly, the Defendant, around June 14, 2010, could jointly join the said I (State)M, and between the above I and the Defendant’s investment of KRW 26 billion (State) K’s (State) acquisition fund.

“In entering into an investment advisory contract,” the Corporation will keep a copy of the check in its own face value of eight billion won (8 billion won) in accordance with the proposal of the said I.

was made.

Since then, around June 14, 2010, the above I made a false statement to the effect that "P office" for the operation of victim E on the fifth floor of Nbuilding in Gangnam-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City, Seoul, would allow the victim E to mediate (State) acquisition fund of 26 billion won, so that it may change to 200 million won as commission," and that "(State) from the victim E would arrange (State) investment of 26 billion won as acquisition fund of KS between the victim E and the victim E, and the victim E would pay 200 million won as advisory cost to the above I.

“After entering into an investment advisory contract with the content of the investment advisory agreement, around June 17, 2010, the victim E had shown an agreement of custody to the effect that the victim E keeps KRW 8 billion out of the acquisition fund at the law firm E.

The defendant and the above I will continue to arrange the loan of 19 billion won to the victim E for the acquisition fund to take over Q (State).

On July 20, 2010, the above I, at the above "P office" around July 20, 201, can substitute the victim E with the funds of KRW 19 billion necessary for Q acquisition.

A false statement is made to the effect that “the fee shall be KRW 260 million shall be changed to the fee,” and, in other words, the victim E.