(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.10.16 2015고합344



1. The defendant A shall be sentenced to one year of imprisonment;

2. Defendant B

(a) The defendant shall be sentenced to imprisonment;


Punishment of the crime


A is the president and the president of JJ branch and the president of the ROK branch in the Democratic Labor Point near the I Station, and Defendant B is the general affairs of J and Defendant C is the J members.

1. Defendant A’s general fire-fighting building: (a) carried out compulsory removal of the IG construction and management of IG and the construction and maintenance team of I Station around the IG; and (b) was indicted as a result of obstructing the Defendant’s pro-Japanese M, who is L, a member of the National Federation of the IG, from obstructing the crackdown of the IG headquarters, and was sentenced to a punishment of one year and six months in the first instance trial on the Democratic Labor Point; and (c) was sentenced to a punishment of one year and six months in the first instance, he tried to indicate his intent in a way that he did not go against the original wood been, stone been, etc. installed in the IG to prevent illegal occupation and use of the IG.

피고인은 2015. 1. 12. 01:48경 서울 N에 있는 ‘O식당’에서, B, C, D 등이 있는 자리에서 B에게 “야, 우리가 구청에 뭐라도 해야 하지 않냐, 뭔가 보여 줘야 하는 거 아니냐, 불을 내자, P 극장 앞에 있는 원형 목재 벤치 및 돌 화단에 휘발유를 뿌리고 불을 놓으라”라고 지시하고, B이 범행을 주저하자 그를 ‘O식당’ 밖으로 데리고 나가 “단속반 용역팀에 미리 불을 놓을 거라는 말을 해 놨으니 불을 내도 용역팀이나 119에서 바로 불을 끌 거니까 걱정하지 마라, 너에게는 아무런 피해가 가지 않을 것이다”라고 말하여 B에게 방화 범행을 마음먹게 하고, B으로 하여금 C과 함께 2015. 1. 12. 02:40경 서울 Q에 있는 ‘P’ 앞 인도에 설치된 원형 목재 벤치 4개와 돌 화단에 불을 놓아 소훼하게 함으로써 방화를 교사하였다.

2. Defendants B and C conspired with each other to commit common goods and fire-prevention joint crimes, and they moved to the “P” located in Seoul Q, carrying gasoline prepared in advance on January 12, 2015, according to the teachers of A, around 02:40.