(영문) 울산지방법원 2013.10.02 2013노445



The prosecutor's appeal is dismissed.


1. The summary of the grounds for appeal shows the data showing that the shareholders of G Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “G”) including the Defendant, etc. presented the details of the deposit and withdrawal in the gathering of the shareholders of G on June 8, 2010 at the court below, and if two were to transfer the investment funds in the name of G to the Busan Bank in the name of G, the amount of the investment funds in the name of G should not be automatically transferred, and if there are two, the amount of the investment funds in the name of G should not be automatically transferred, and the Defendant expressed the passbook in the name of G and C, and the above statement could be reliable, and C also stated in the court below that the Defendant was aware of the fact that it was transferred from the above gathering to the account in the name of G to the account of KRW 143,00,000,000 from the account in the name of G. However, considering that there is no credibility, the court below found the Defendant guilty of the facts charged in this case, which affected the judgment.

2. The following circumstances acknowledged by the court below and the court below's duly admitted and examined the evidence, i.e., (i) in the court of the court below's ruling, e., (ii) in the presence of the shareholders of G on June 8, 2010, the data stating the details of the deposit and withdrawal from the account in the name of G, and (iii) in two cases, the deposit and withdrawal from the account in the name of G are no longer automatically transferred, and (iv) in the name of G and C were first transferred to the account in the name of C, and (v) the Defendant stated that the Defendant was also the defendant who was next, but (v) in the judgment of the court of the court below, the joint representative of G who was present at the time did not show the stamp showing the contents of the deposit and withdrawal from the account in the name of G to the account in the name of C, and it did not directly show the passbook at the time of transfer.