All appeals by the Defendants are dismissed.
1. The summary of the grounds for appeal is that the Defendants, in the absence of the organization of executive officers of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the branch of the instant case
2. In full view of the following circumstances acknowledged by the evidence duly adopted and examined by the lower court, the Defendants appears to have rejected the transfer of the passbook, etc. in light of the fact that the Defendants raised an objection to the composition of the branch director and the execution of the affairs related to the lawsuit related to D in the situation where there is a conflict between the fraternitys within the branch of the instant case and that they refused to hand over the passbook, etc., under the circumstances where the Defendants had raised an objection to the composition of the branch director and the execution of the affairs related to D’s litigation. Therefore,
Therefore, the lower court’s judgment that found the Defendant guilty of the instant facts charged is justifiable, and it erred by misapprehending the facts.
Therefore, the Defendants’ above assertion cannot be accepted.
㈎ C 종회( 이하, ‘ 이 사건 종회 ’라고 한다) 회칙 제 24조는 “ 본회 회장과 총무 및 감사가 개선되었을 시 전임 회장과 총무 및 감사는 1개월 이내에 회무를 후임 회장과 총무, 감사에게 인계하여 본회 운영에 지장이 없도록 하여야 한다” 고 규정하고 있다( 증거기록 제 20 쪽). ㈏ D는 2013. 11. 3. 남양주시 E 제실( 덕 양제 )에서 열린 이 사건 종회의 2013년도 정기총회에서 참석 종 원들의 만장일치로 위 종회의 회장으로 선임되었다.
At the above general meeting, J and F were appointed as vice-chairpersons, H and K respectively as auditors, and the general secretary shall be appointed as the board of directors of executive officers who are not the next general meeting.