(영문) 대구지방법원상주지원 2017.05.25 2016가합2310



1. The Defendants jointly and severally against the Plaintiff A, KRW 116,223,266, Plaintiff B, and C, respectively, and each of the said amounts.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The plaintiff A is one of the public interest service personnel at the time of the following case, and the plaintiff B and C is his parents.

Defendant D was a second-year student of G High School at the same time, and Defendant E and F were his parents, as a second-year student of G High School.

B. Defendant D, around May 31, 2016, performed alcohol with Plaintiff A in the H apartment sperm (hereinafter “H apartment”) around 20:00 on May 31, 2016, Defendant D used the Plaintiff’s face, chest, and arms as a matter of money that Plaintiff A lent to Defendant D.

Around 00:30 on June 1, 2016, Defendant D continued to move Plaintiff A to an Imart located behind the said H apartment, and laid down under the right side of the underground road, and ordered Plaintiff A to dump, a dangerous object that was located on the floor, with plastic string (no. 50cm in length, hand spores), which is a dangerous object that was located on the floor, and ordered Plaintiff A to do so, and then Plaintiff A assaulted Plaintiff A’s 4-5 times in her fump.

Defendant D continued to move the Plaintiff’s face to the J Patter’s neighboring sperm located behind the said Iart and served together with the Plaintiff during drinking together with the Plaintiff, and used the Plaintiff’s face 1 to 2 times, and used the Plaintiff’s chest and arms for drinking.

C. At around 00:50 on June 1, 2016, Defendant D moved Plaintiff A to the direction in the L market alley of the L market which is located in Yong-si, Y, and made Plaintiff A kneek kneeing on the floor. After returning the lid lid of “Saeina”, a dangerous object stored on the side, which is tincl, a knedratr diver of knife for the kniver for the kniver for the kniver for the knivers of knife, and then, Defendant D inflicted injury on Plaintiff A 2, a telegraph that requires treatment of about 8 weeks from her head to her telegraph.

(hereinafter, “the instant harmful act”). D.

Defendant D was indicted in the Daegu District Court resident support on June 13, 2016 and was sentenced to a maximum of four years of imprisonment on August 8, 2016, a short-term two years of imprisonment (2016dan227), and appealed from the Daegu District Court on November 23, 2016.