(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.03.09 2016고단6299



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant has been doubtful of the external appearance of the victim as the marital relationship between the victim C (V, 36 years of age) and the legal couple.

On November 30, 2016, at the defendant's house located in Daegu Jung-gu D and 3th floor, the defendant sent a voice file that recorded the contents of the victim's remaining telephone conversations with the victim and went home, while drinking, the victim returned home to the victim, followed the above voice file, followed the victim's external appearance, followed the fact that the victim got home, followed the victim's external appearance, and went off to the floor.

In addition, the Defendant saw knife a knife (the total length of 28 cm and 17 cm) which is dangerous things in the main room after taking the knife with the victim's face and the knife with the hand room and the part of the knife with the victim's face and the knife with the victim's hand room, and then threatened the victim's face with the above knife with the victim's knife, which was put on the part of the victim's knife and the knife's length of 17 cm).

Since then, the defendant did not find the above knife knife on the floor, he had a knife knife (the total length of 34 cm and the knife 20 cm knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife kn

“Along with the victim’s bridge, the victim’s knife knife knife was sealed and knifed on the part of the victim’s sound.

The Defendant continued to go beyond the victim’s to boom on the part of the victim, and “Ba”

Buckbucks of the victim were forced to punish the victim's bucks by hand, and caused twice the victim's drinking part by drinking the bucks, and Gabbbbbbs, which are dangerous goods in the main room (the total length of 22 cm and 14 cm in length of the day) and tried to cut the victim's head.

In addition, the Defendant suffered damage.