(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2017.05.25 2016가합103423



1. All of the plaintiffs' claims against the defendant are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. Status 1 of the Parties 1) The Network I (hereinafter “the Network”).

(2) On July 15, 2006, the deceased died on July 11, 2014, and Plaintiff A, the deceased, the deceased J, K, the deceased, the deceased’s children, and Plaintiff D and E, the deceased’s spouse, had already died on July 15, 2006.

3) 망 L은 망인이 사망하기 전인 2009. 7. 1. 이미 사망하였는바, 망 L의 자녀들인 원고 F, G이 대습상속인이 되었다. 나. 망인의 피고 회사에 대한 입금 내역 순번 입금 계좌 입금일 금액(원) 1 조흥은행 O 2003. 5. 15. 20,000,000 2 2003. 5. 19. 10,000,000 3 2004. 12. 24. 15,000,000 4 2005. 3. 24. 50,000,000 5 2005. 3. 25. 50,000,000 6 2005. 5. 17. 929,000 7 2005. 5. 31. 40,500,000 8 2005. 6. 7. 11,573,510 9 2005. 7. 5. 4,125,000 10 500,000 11 16,000,000 12 2005. 7. 7. 1,876,000 13 2005. 8. 23. 75,000,000 14 2005. 9. 5. 65,000,000 15 2005. 9. 15. 8,000,000 16 2005. 10. 5. 100,000,000 17 2005. 11. 7. 100,000,000 18 17,000,000 19 2005. 12. 5. 100,000,000, 20 100,000,000 21 30,000,000 22 2005. 12. 23. 5,000,000 23 2006. 2. 10. 1,500,000 24 2006. 5. 15. 17,000,000 25 2006. 6. 5. 100,000,000 26 100,000,000 27 100,000,000 28 농협중앙회 P 2006. 5. 10. 5,798,720 29 신한은행 Q 2006. 4. 10. 22,000,000 합계 1,166,802,230 1) 망인은 2003. 5. 15.부터 2006. 6. 5.까지 사이에 아래 표 기재와 같이 피고 회사(당시의 상호는 M 주식회사였고, 대표이사는 K이었다)의 계좌로 합계 1,166,802,230원을 입금하였다

(C) No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 (where there is a serial number, the remaining amount was deposited as “NI”). 2) The Defendant Company appears to have not included the above amount in the financial statements of the Defendant Company in its liabilities. [The grounds for recognition] There is no dispute, and Party A’s Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 (where there is a serial number, each number is included).

each entry in this Court, as against the NongHyup Bank.