(영문) 제주지방법원 2017.12.22 2017고단2811



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. Fraud;

가. 피고인은 2017년 9월 초순경 피고인이 ‘ 위 챗’ 메신저에 ‘ 제주에서 일자리를 알선해 준다’ 라는 내용으로 게재한 광고를 보고 연락해 온 피해자 C에게 ‘ 제주도에 도착하면 일자리를 구해 주겠으니 취업 소개비 및 경비를 달라’ 라는 취지로 말하였다.

However, even if the defendant receives money from the injured party, he did not have the intention or ability to seek jobs in Jeju-do.

Nevertheless, the defendant deceiving the victim and then received 5,000 bills of 5,000 bills of Naran cash (around 8,500,000 won for Korean currency) from the victim who is in China around that time through the leakage or D of the defendant who was in his jurisdiction. On September 13, 2017, the defendant transferred the bills of 12,000 bills (around 2,040,000 won for Korean currency) to the domestic bank account in the name of D to the Chinese bank account in the name of the foreign bank account. On the same day, at a restaurant where it is impossible to know the trade name in Jeju city, the victim who entered Jeju-do from Jeju-do to Jeju-do from around the same day entered the above 5,00 bills of 5,00 bills for Chinese currency ( around 8,500,000 won for Chinese currency) three times as employment introduction and expenses.

B. On September 10, 2017, the Defendant: (a) by deceiving the victim E, who had been exposed to Messen from Messenger C upon introduction of Messenger C in the same manner as that of the preceding paragraph; (b) received transfer of 5,000 bills (an amount equivalent to KRW 8,50,000) from the victim to the Chinese bank account of D; (c) on September 24, 2017, the Defendant acquired the victim, who entered Jeju-do from the G hotel located in Jeju-do to Jeju-do at around September 24, 2017, she acquired the victim’s 18,000 bills (an amount equivalent to KRW 3,060,000,000) in Chinese, on two occasions, under the pretext of employment recommendation and expenses.

2. Any foreigner who violates the Immigration Control Act shall be granted the status and period of sojourn;