(영문) 수원지방법원 여주지원 2016.11.02 2016고단484




A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for four months and by imprisonment for six months.

However, this judgment is delivered against Defendant B.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] Defendant A was sentenced to eight months of imprisonment for fraud, etc. in the branch court of Suwon District Court on March 18, 2016, and the said judgment became final and conclusive on March 24, 2016, and is in the execution of the sentence in a female prison.

【Criminal Facts】


A was a person who was working as F with F's endur, and Defendant B is a "G employee" who is a motor vehicle installment financing company.


A around June 2, 2015, around G, it was difficult for C to arrange a loan contract in G where the car price is less than 30 million won, even though the car price is less than 30 million won without confirming the real estate of the vehicle, and it was loaned KRW 29 million in the name of the Defendant A, even though it was unable to transfer the ownership of the said car under the name of the Defendant A, and it was receiving a claim for a loan before maturity from G which was not established a right to collateral security, and thus, it was difficult for B to obtain an additional loan from G because it was difficult for the Defendants to mediate a loan contract in G where they were working without resolving the name of a loan purchase of the Defendant A by the end of June 2, 2015.


B around June 5, 2015, at a restaurant of the I.S. International Automobile Trade Complex in Suwon H, "Any person who is unable to provide a vehicle loan in G due to circumstances, and loans as security for documents necessary for the relocation, establishment, etc. of vehicles," to K around June 10, 2015 to purchase L BWX650i car (hereinafter referred to as the "automobile in this case") by telephone to purchase the above vehicle. It is necessary to purchase the vehicle.