(영문) 광주고등법원(전주) 2017.10.19 2016나10563



1. Of the judgment of the court of first instance, the part against the defendant ordering payment in excess of the amount ordered below.


C. On May 20, 2013, G’s representative director, who performed the construction, paid KRW 30,000,000 to L.

(2) (4) L has set up a written consent to the direct payment of KRW 66,00,00,000, which shall be paid to AB, to the project owner.”

On August 21, 2013, the Defendant paid KRW 66,000,000 to X representative director of AB (No. 3).

X has made a written confirmation that “I” is a person who has been awarded a subcontract for temporary re-lease from AA (L), and received 66,000,000 won directly from the project owner upon L’s direct payment confirmation.”

After completion of the construction work A, B, and C-dong reinforced concrete 81,00,000,000 (Bdong, C-dong settlement amount after the settlement of accounts) 50,000,000 (N-) direct payment (-) - 20,000,000 (cost at the time of resumption of the construction work, C-dong 5 floor slab bars, office tower, pen tower, window fence) ② The balance of the total construction cost (G payment, deposit in the name of G, E) 30,00,000 * Construction cost) * Construction cost for reinforced concrete 66,00,000,000 after separate settlement of accounts - 10,000,000 building owner's construction cost under separate contract (hereinafter referred to as "construction cost") 50,000,000 military building owner's construction cost under separate contract, Q, C-dong building construction, and multi-household housing construction and multi-household construction work as above.

(5) On August 22, 2013, the Plaintiff and L, respectively, prepared and sealed each of the following settlement statements concerning reinforced concrete construction of the instant tenement house:

(6) In light of the record on August 23, 2013, the deposit date written by the parties concerned is deemed to be August 22, 2013, or electronically printed on August 23, 2013.

L paid KRW 31,00,000 to L by means of remitting to his designated M account.

(4) L. 81,00,000 won, which shall be paid to A(L) of the construction cost of the instant Dong and A, and C&A construction work.