A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.
However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.
Punishment of the crime
As seen below, the fact that the defendant actually borne the self-payment is recognized, this part recognizes the criminal facts except for deception.
B In order to secure domestic research fees or self-sufficiency production basis for non-living resources and to promote the increase of income of local livestock farmers by using them, the Gun promoted the C Support Project in 2012, and to select competitive and excellent producers' organizations, the Gun reviewed and assessed the qualification and project plan for producers' organizations, such as agricultural partnership corporations, and selected eligible persons, and subsidized 60% of the total project expenses (30% of national expenses and 30% of military expenses) among the selected persons.
In addition, the conditions of the granting of the above subsidies must first be executed, and the subsidy shall not be used for other purposes, and the qualification and requirements for application for a public offering shall be the small group or the producer group, the total amount of investment shall be at least KRW 100 million in the case of the agricultural partnership among the producers' organizations, the total amount of investment shall be at least KRW 100 million in the case of the agricultural partnership association, and its capital, including the investment, shall be at least five farmers, and the results of operation after the establishment shall be at least one year
The Defendant was preparing for the establishment of a research fee processing plant in the vicinity of the construction of three livestock penss with a view to saving the costs of supplying feed to a restaurant (D) operated by himself. On December 2010, 2010, “C Support Project for 2012” (hereinafter “instant Project”) is underway through Jeonnam-do from the Agricultural and Forestry Food & Fishery Department for the first time, and the Defendant was to be selected as a subsidized project operator, knowing the fact that he/she must be a non-individual producers’ organization, with the knowledge that he/she only lent his/her name as a member, and that he/she was to be designated as a subsidized project operator.