(영문) 대전지방법원 서산지원 2012.09.07 2012고정75



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. Around October 2009, the Defendant entered into a lease agreement with the owner of a prefabricated-type warehouse in Seosan City, on the condition that deposit 10 million won per month is paid for two years from October 19, 201 to October 19, 201.

On June 10, 2011, the Defendant: (a) opened the entrance door of the warehouse in possession of the victim and intruded into the entrance in order to keep two-waves owned by the Defendant in the warehouse.

2. According to the records, D was unable to carry out a warehouse by moving all things, such as laundry equipment, etc. located in a warehouse into another place on or before June 4, 2011, which had been left four months after operating a laundry on or before the Defendant’s warehouse as stated in the facts charged. However, D left locks on the entrance due to the absence of prior consultation between the Defendant and the termination or eviction, etc. of the lease period, and D confirmed that the building materials, crops, etc. were stored in the warehouse (D was confirmed around June 14, 201, but it was not clear in light of the circumstance and the Defendant’s statement, etc. that it was carried out a quantity after around July 201, 201, and that it was not known that the building materials, etc. were stored in the warehouse and the building materials, which were adjacent to the Defendant’s construction work, were stored in the warehouse, and that it was not known that they were stored in the warehouse and the building materials, which were used in the construction work.