(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.02.15 2015고단709



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.


Punishment of the crime

On July 1, 2010, the Defendant, “2015 Highest 709, the Defendant, at the E office operated by the victim D in Yangsan-si on July 1, 2010, would be 200 tons or more of shipbuilding machinery in F, and would be able to collect scrap metal immediately at the face of the advance payment.

For advance payment, the security will be set up on the three points of machinery and equipment.


However, on September 2009, the Defendant was awarded a successful bid for the shipbuilding machinery manufacturing factory located in Haan-gun G in Haan-nam, Haan-gun G in the name of (State) H, and had been operating a factory prior to that time.

As I understood that while the above I was operating a factory, it was impossible to remove scrap metal generated in the course of the operation of the factory, even if he received advance payment from the injured party, it was not possible to supply scrap metal. Moreover, machinery and equipment offered as security to the injured party was false as if the Defendant was the owner of the machinery owned by the above I, even though the Defendant could not provide security at will.

The defendant deceivings the victim as above, and was transferred KRW 100 million to the bank account in the name of the F on the same day from the victim.

The Defendant, on May 201, 201, of the 2015 Highest 1540, is obviously a clerical error in the victim L, the victim M and the facts charged in N in the case of K hotel 1st floor, located in the Busan High-guJ around Busan High-gu.

In this place, "The actual operator of Haban-gun, Co., Ltd., Ltd., located in Haban-gun G, and there is sufficient amount of scrap metal generated in that place, and further rent for 300 million won of P factory in Haban-gun, Inc., Ltd., which is located in Haban-gun, currently has been prepared for 150 million won, but the remainder of 150 million won has not been prepared, but if the third party has lent the deposit of 150 million won, 200 won per month generated from the O is lower than the market value.