(영문) 창원지방법원밀양지원 2016.08.10 2014가단2077



1. The plaintiff's lawsuit against the defendant C, D, E, Korea, and Korea Housing Finance Corporation, and the defendant limited liability company's share industry.


1. On April 16, 1994, the Plaintiff purchased the instant real estate as payment in kind for KRW 63,648,000 of the fire-fighting construction cost, among the new construction works of H apartment on three lots, including H apartment (hereinafter “I apartment, regardless of whether before or after the change of the name of the apartment; hereinafter referred to as “I apartment”), on the third lots of land, including Defendant Boan Construction Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Nan Construction”), Gyeongnam-gun, G, etc., on the following grounds: (a) there is no dispute between the parties; and (b) Defendant Boan Construction is obligated to implement the registration procedure for transfer of ownership on the instant real estate on April 16, 1994 to the Plaintiff.

2. As to the remaining Defendants

A. On January 1, 1991, 191, 100, 1991, 200 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 10 Ga 100 Ga 100 Ga 10

B) On April 14, 2001, Defendant Boan Construction transferred I apartment units, including the instant real estate, to Defendant B, and on August 13, 2001, in addition to the above transfer contract, Defendant Boan Construction agreed with Defendant Boan Construction to own 50% of Defendant B’s shares, etc., and obtained approval on August 28, 2001 to change I Apartment Construction’s project proprietor to Defendant B. C) at the time when Defendant Boan Construction transferred the I apartment units composed of 182 units, which were operated and operated, to Defendant Boan Construction, and the I apartment units composed of the instant real estate, were almost completed except for the completion of construction, and the occupants were moving into the land in advance.

2) The J, the creditor of Defendant B, obtained the provisional attachment order regarding the instant real estate as of May 19, 2004. Accordingly, on May 21, 2004, the instant real estate was under the name of Defendant B.