(영문) 부산고등법원 (창원) 2014.09.17 2014노170



The prosecutor's appeal is dismissed.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

A. The sentence imposed by the lower court (three years of imprisonment with labor for a two-year period of suspension of execution, etc.) is too unjustifiable and unfair.

B. It is unreasonable for the lower court to exempt the Defendant from disclosure and notification orders, in the absence of special circumstances that would not disclose or notify the Defendant’s personal information.

2. Determination

A. The crime of this case on the assertion of unfair sentencing is found to be an unfavorable sentencing factor or objective and neutral sentencing factor, such as the difference in the situation where the victim, a woman-time employee of the restaurant in which the defendant works in the place of his occupation, is unable to take the body by drinking at the place of a meeting, the victim's house, and the case in which he takes the victim's residence into his own residence, and the crime liability is heavy and is not good, and the victim's age is likely to suffer a considerable physical and mental pain. Nevertheless, the crime of this case is found to be a disadvantageous sentencing factor or objective and neutral sentencing factor, such as the fact that the defendant did not agree with or did not receive a letter from the victim, and did not give any particular effort to compensate for the damage.

그러나 피고인이 수사기관 이래로 자신의 잘못을 시인하면서 깊이 반성하고 있는 점, 심신장애의 정도로 판단되지는 아니하나 술에 취한 상태에서 우발적으로 범행에 이른 것으로 보여 그 경위에 고려할 만한 사정이 없지 않은 점, 술에 취한 피해자의 제지를 받자 범행의 진행을 스스로 중단하여 더 중한 행위로는 나아가지 아니한 점, 과거 성폭력범죄 전과를 비롯한 아무런 범죄전력이 없는 초범인 점, 이 사건 범행의 한 원인이 무절제한 음주에 있음을 자각하고, 알코올상담센터 등을 통하여 단주(斷酒)를 실천하고 있는 것으로 보이는 점 등의 유리한 양형요소 또는 객관적이고 중립적인 양형요소 또한 인정된다.

The above factors of sentencing, sentencing criteria, age, health status, character and conduct of the defendant.