(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.12.19 2019가단5062778



1. As to the Plaintiff, the Defendant: (a) on the land size of 575 square meters in Kimpo-si, Incheon District Court Branch of the Incheon District Court; and (b) on November 23, 1998.


1. Facts of recognition and judgment

가. 이 사건 토지에 관한 등기현황 1) 원래 김포군(金浦郡) B 답(沓) 174평(坪)에 관하여, ‘1942. 9. 22. 매매’를 원인으로 하여, 인천지방법원 부천지원 김포등기소 1942. 10. 7. 접수 제3047호로 주소가 ‘인천시 C’인 “D” 명의의 소유권이전등기가 마쳐져 있었다. 이후 위 토지의 지목은 답(沓)에서 전(田)으로 변경되었다. 2) 한편, 김포군수는 1997. 12. 13. 김포군공고 E로 ‘무주부동산공고’를 하여 ‘경기도 김포군 B 전 575㎡’에 대하여 1997. 12. 15.부터 1998. 6. 14.까지의 권리 신고기간을 설정하고 소유권을 주장하거나 입증할 수 있는 서류를 지참하여 권리를 신고하도록 공고하였다.

Since then, on November 23, 1998, the above land was changed to "5m2 in Ganpo-si B 575m2 (hereinafter "the land in this case") due to the unit conversion of the area and the change of administrative district on November 23, 1998, and the registration of transfer of ownership in the defendant's name, the management authority of which was to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, as the receipt of No. 37402 on September 11, 1948, was completed on the same day on the grounds of "the reversion of rights".

나. 상속관계 1) 일제강점기에 작성된 호적부에 의하면, D는 ‘仁川府(인천부) C’에 주소를 둔 F이 1940년대에 창씨개명(創氏改名)한 이름이고, F은 1950. 6. 16. 서울지방법원 인천지원의 허가에 의하여 그 이름을 G(G, 이하 ‘G’이라고만 한다

2) On February 10, 1926, G reported marriage with H on February 10, 1926, G died most of its children due to M, J, K, L, M, Plaintiff A, N,O, P, and Q. However, most of their children were dead, but only I, J, Plaintiff A, R, R, and Q were remaining, except for the deceased children.

On the other hand, H died on October 17, 1956, and G died on March 21, 1984.

3) The Plaintiff inherited the deceased G as Australia. 【Ground of recognition】 There is no dispute, and Gap evidence 1 through 9 (including each number, hereinafter the same shall apply)

. The whole of the arguments.