(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2020.09.16 2020고단3261



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

The defendant shall pay 5,00,000 won to the applicant for compensation by deceit.


Punishment of the crime

[Criminal Power] On June 12, 2020, the Defendant appealed to the Seoul Southern District Court for two and a half years of imprisonment for fraud, etc. and is still pending in the court of appeal at the same time.

【Criminal Facts】

In a false manner, the name-disscamist, by calls to many unspecified victims at an unspecified place, misrepresenting himself/herself, and misrepresenting the investigative agency or staff of the Financial Supervisory Service, etc., and committing a telephone financial fraud (one-time scaming) organization (one-time scaming scaming scams), which takes money by receiving cash from the victims. According to the above name-disscambling’s instructions, the Defendant was willing to perform the role of “cash collection” role as a “cash collection policy” in which he/she takes custody of the victim of the telephone financial fraud as if he/she were an employee of the Financial Supervisory Service, etc., and transfers the money to the account he/she was notified by the victims, and G was willing to perform the role of “cash collection policy” in which the Defendant, a cash collection policy, accompanying the Defendant, who is a cash collection policy, and monitor the Defendant.

On November 11, 2019, from November 1, 201 to March 13, 2019, the name-free person phoneed the victim BX (n, 50 years of age) to the victim’s bX, and the fact that the account was opened in the name of the victim, even though there was no fact that the account was opened in the name of the victim, not an employee of the investigation agency, but an employee of the investigation agency, etc. was opened in the name of the victim, and that the account was opened in the name of the party, “the credit rating should be obtained with a credit loan for asset protection,” and “a cash withdrawal

On November 12, 2019, the person who was unaware of the name will induce the victim to prepare for the cash of KRW 20 million and make the victim come out of the 1st century, which is in peace 757, e.g., No. 757 at the time of Gyeonggi-do Government.