(영문) 대전지방법원 2016.12.08 2016나7461



1. All appeals by the plaintiff (appointed party) are dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Plaintiff (Appointed Party).


Basic Facts

Defendant limited partnership company (hereinafter “Defendant company”) is a company running a general taxi transport business under the Daejeon Metropolitan City Passenger Transport Service Act. The Plaintiff (designated parties, hereinafter “Plaintiffs”) and the designated parties (hereinafter “Plaintiffs, etc.”) enter into an employment contract with the Defendant company from December 1, 200, the designated parties B from December 1, 200, the designated parties C from November 1, 2006, the designated parties D from November 1, 2008, the designated parties E from November 1, 2008, the designated parties E from November 1, 2008, the Plaintiff from the designated parties F from June 1, 2009 to the designated parties from June 1, 2009, from the designated parties G from March 1, 2010 to the designated parties, and from May 1, 201 to the date of his employment from May 21, 201 to the date of his employment.

The Plaintiff, etc., while driving the taxi of the Defendant Company every day, paid to the Defendant Company the daily standard amount of daily transport earnings (so-called taxi commission, hereinafter referred to as “voluntary commission”) from the total daily transport earnings, and received basic pay, allowances, and bonuses from the Defendant Company, and the transport earnings exceeding the taxi commission paid to the Defendant Company have been paid in the form of reverting to the Plaintiff, etc.

The Defendant Company paid allowance to the Plaintiff, etc. monthly, paid the amount indicated in the column for “on-board allowance” in accordance with the number of days on which the Plaintiff, etc. actually worked on board in the month indicated in the column for “number of days on which the Plaintiff, etc. actually worked on board” in the attached table for payment of allowance to the Plaintiff, etc. (the amount calculated by multiplying the number of days on which the Plaintiff, etc. worked on board by the amount of 26 days on the basis of 26 days on the full service day, and by the daily allowance amount per day specified in the wage agreement and wage calculation table that the Plaintiff, etc.

The wage agreement between the defendant company and the defendant company's trade union and the Daejeon Regional Headquarters of the National taxi industry trade union.