(영문) 인천지방법원 2013.08.08 2013고단3618



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Seized evidence1 through 47 shall be confiscated from the accused.


Punishment of the crime

On February 2, 2013, the Defendant accepted the proposal that “A, by using a forged credit card issued by C, the Defendant would give 10% of the market price of the goods when the Defendant purchased goods from a foreign country,” from the person who came to know through the Internet at the Malaysia of the Defendant.” On February 2, 2013, the Defendant got back to three and four different countries in one month, and purchased and delivered high-priced goods with a forged credit card received from C to C.

1. Around 10:00 on June 19, 2013, the Defendant in violation of the Specialized Credit Financial Business Act acquired forged credit cards for the purpose of using forged credit cards, such as those indicated in Appendix I, on the same page, at the coffee shop where Malaysia Acroudio Croud Froste wale, with a letter of request from misunderstanding, and with a letter of request from the above C, with a view to receiving forged Acromencized credit cards (credit number D) under the name of the Defendant, and used forged credit cards over 11 times in total as described in paragraphs 2 and 3.

2. On June 21, 2013, at the F-free shop G store operated by the victim E in Jung-gu Incheon International Airport, Jung-gu, Incheon, Jung-gu, Incheon, the Defendant: (a) induced a female by presenting a forged Defendant’s credit card under the name of the Defendant to H of his/her employees as if he/she were a normal credit card; and (b) by paying two handbags equivalent to USD 3492 in total market value, and acquired pecuniary benefits equivalent to the same amount.

3. On June 21, 2013, at around 10:10 on June 21, 2013, the Defendant attempted to obtain pecuniary benefits equivalent to the same amount by presenting the OBC Bank credit card (credit card number I) under the name of the Defendant, which was forged in the visibility store for the operation of the victim’s name and unclaimed boxes in Incheon Airport, as if the Defendant were a normal credit card, and by settling USD 39,590, the Defendant attempted to obtain economic benefits equivalent to the same amount, but was refused to obtain the same, as stated in Appendix II.