(영문) 광주지방법원 2020.11.26 2020구합10265

건축불허가 처분 취소


1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


(a)a neighboring village (H and I) subject to consultation, as well as a neighboring village that has not been implemented (resident refusal) to hold a briefing session, and a J as a whole, opposed to the new construction of money (three-time opposite meetings);

(a) Reflection of the results of deliberation by the Urban Planning Committee for Full-Time Gun, 2019;

(b) Article 58 of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act and Article 56 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act: Nonconformity with the location of a site that does not conform to the criteria for permission for development activities and relations with surrounding areas - Natural villages (H, I) are located in the vicinity of the site where an application is filed, and the site (within 320 meters from the surface cultivation place and 320 meters from the sea, and within 460 meters from the sea) is located at the bottom and soil erosion (within 28,324 square meters from the ground, 33,58 square meters at the time of the implementation of construction works) or concern that the outbreak of soil and sand, livestock waste water, and waste water from the waste dynas, etc. causes marine pollution and destruction of the ecosystem - The current status of nearby farms - 161 meters from the surface of land farms, 100 meters from the distance of neighboring villages and 40 meters from the operation of agricultural and fishery vehicles at the sea, and 20 meters from the village development area (within 300 meters from the village).