(영문) 대전지방법원 서산지원 2013.09.12 2012고단454



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

1. Violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Crimes (U.S.) and the Road Traffic Act (U.S.) are the Defendant engaged in driving service of Csch Rexton automobiles.

On February 11, 2012, the Defendant driven the above vehicle at around 20:50, and proceeded along the two-lane road in the direction of the Seosan Medical Center in the direction of the Silsan Medical Center.

In this case, a person engaged in driving of a motor vehicle has a duty of care to maintain the safety distance with the front, to live well with the front, and to operate the steering and brakes accurately and safely.

Nevertheless, the Defendant neglected to proceed in the same direction as the Defendant’s vehicle by negligence while driving ahead of it in the same direction as the Defendant’s vehicle, and hit the back part of the E-Sa car driven by the victim D (ma, 42 years old) in the atmosphere of the signal, and led the victim F (ma, South and 30 years old), who was shocked, to the front part of the Defendant’s vehicle, and led the victim F (F, South and 30 years old), who was exposed to the shock, to the front part of the said vehicle.

Ultimately, the Defendant by such occupational negligence inflicted injury on the victim D such as salt, tensions, etc. of the climatic tension that requires approximately 3 weeks of treatment on the part of the victim H (Nam, 42 years of age) who took advantage of the said small climatic cliff for about 15 days of treatment, injury to the victim F of the light clifal clifal which requires approximately 2 weeks of treatment, injury to the victim I (56 years of age, 56 years of age, 59 years of age, clifal clifal, etc.), victim J (Nam, kn, knit, knit, knit, etc. of the clifal clifal that requires approximately 2 weeks of medical treatment on the part of the victim F of the above clifal clifal clif, and at the same time, suffered injury to the victim H (Seoul, 42 years of age) by the above clif.