(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2020.08.21 2019나2624



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.

Expenses for appeal shall be borne by the defendant.

Purport of claim and appeal



1. Determination on this safety defense

A. The summary of the Defendant’s assertion is without merit that the Defendant ordered the Plaintiff to affix a name plate.

The defendant does not have any obligation to pay the above goods, and there is no standing to be the defendant. Thus, the plaintiff's lawsuit of this case against the defendant shall be dismissed as unlawful.

B. To examine the judgment, in a lawsuit for performance, a person who asserts himself/herself as a person holding the standing to sue and asserted as a person holding the obligation to perform shall have the standing to sue.

Since only the actual performance obligor is not eligible for the defendant, the defendant's assertion in a different purport is without merit.

C. Accordingly, the Defendant’s defense prior to the merits cannot be accepted.

2. Judgment on the merits

A. The gist of the claim is that the plaintiff ordered a 300 name plate to the plaintiff via the non-party C, and the plaintiff completed the production of the above 300 name plate on the agreed date and notified the defendant that "the above 300 name plate was received and paid the above 300 name plate," and the defendant is obliged to pay the above 495,000 won for the above goods and damages for delay to the plaintiff.

나. 판단 (1) 기초사실 ㈎ 소외 C은 2014. 9. 11.경부터 ‘영업부 이사’라는 직함으로 피고 회사에서 상근영업이사로 근무하였다.

㈏ 원고는 2018. 7. 11. C에게서 ㈜D 명의 명판(규격 72mm × 46mm) 300개{수중배수펌프 명판 200개 다단(터빈)펌프 명판 100개, 이하 위 명판 300개를 ‘이 사건 명판’이라고 한다}를 개당 1,650원(부가세포함), 총 금 495,000원에 주문받았고, 2018. 7. 17.까지 명판 300개를 납품하기로 하는 내용의 계약(이하 ‘이 사건 계약’이라고 한다)을 체결하였다.

㈐ 원고는 약정기간 내에 이 사건 명판 300개를 제작한 뒤 피고에게 수령을 최고하였고, 피고가 이에 응하지 않자 2018. 8. 20...