(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2017.10.12 2017고단242



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. The summary of the facts charged is that the Defendant is the nursing worker of the D Care Center located in E in E-mail, and the victim E (85 years old) is a patient hospitalized in the Medical Care Center.

On November 17, 2016, the Defendant: (a) around 05:00, at the heading room of Yangwon 206, entered the Defendant’s house with “it is well known that he or she was flick so that he or she was flick

For the reason that the phrase "" was written, I saw "I am" as "I am, followed the victim's left side by launching it, and suffered injury, such as snow grass and open room around the snow, the left part of the snow, the upper part of the body, and the upper part of the second part of the body.

2. In light of the following circumstances acknowledged through each evidence duly adopted and investigated by the court, the evidence alone presented by the prosecutor was sufficiently proven to the extent that the instant facts charged are beyond a reasonable doubt.

It is insufficient to view it, and there is no other evidence to prove it.

A. As to the victim E’s statement in the police station, the victim stated that “the defendant has a one-way side of the victim’s left side by drinking, and followed and sealed (the eight pages of the investigation record)” in the police station, “the defendant took one-way side of the victim’s left side by drinking, followed one-way side of the victim’s drinking, and divided into two-seven pages after going beyond the victim’s back (27 pages of the investigation record).”

However, there is a fact that the damaged person is able to live and sound and people speak.

(8 pages of investigation records), "the injured person is able to live," and "the other nurse was able to report his form to the other nurse, and the nurse was 206 nurse and reported his form to the police.

According to the victim's police statement, that was the patients receiving medical care in a sick room, the victim's police statement that the patients who did not have to do so and could not speak well (27 pages of investigation records) and witness F's testimony, seven other inpatientss at the time and place specified in the facts charged of this case.