(영문) 광주지방법원 2016.09.02 2016고합187




A and Defendant B are punished by a fine of KRW 5,00,00,00, Defendant C, Defendant D, Defendant E, and Defendant F, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A’s status relationship with the Defendants is the vice-chairperson of the O mountain conference, the vice-chairperson of the O mountain conference, and the person in charge of the fourth region of the fourth region, which is a private organization established for the election campaign of N who was going out in the M constituency in the 20th National Assembly election of April 13, 2016, and was implemented by the Defendants. Defendant B is the vice-chairperson of the above O mountain conference, the vice-chairperson of the above O mountain conference, the person in charge of the first region and the advisory members. Defendant D is the advisor of the above O mountain conference. Defendant E is the person who served as the secretary of the above N election campaign office at the time of the 18th National Assembly election and the 5th Q market election, and Defendant F is the operator of R, the construction executor.

2. In cases of private meetings among individuals, such as Defendant A and B’s O mountain gatherings, native folks society, relatives’ society, alumni association, alumni association, alpine society, etc., or fraternity group, an election campaign shall not be conducted in the name of the institution or organization concerned or in the name of its representative. Except as otherwise provided for in the Public Official Election Act, no election campaign shall be conducted in the name of propaganda facilities or tools, various printed matters, broadcasting, newspapers, news communications, magazines, other publications, campaign meetings, debate meetings, native folks society, alumni meetings, neighbors’ meeting, other meetings, information and communications, the establishment of an election campaign organization or private organization, door-to-door visits, or other means

In collusion with the above N, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, AA, and AB, from March 2015 to May 2015, the Defendants: (a) are private organizations established for the 20th election campaign at the National Assembly members of AC for the 20th National Assembly; (b) are invited to attract residents living in the constituency of the said N in the name of the above OOO mountain conference; and (c) are present at the Y meeting, and speaks on the achievements at the time of Q market and future AC.
