(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.11.07 2016가단525790

소유권이전등기말소등기절차이행 등


1. The Plaintiff:

(a) Selected C and D shall each corresponding share out of each real estate listed in the separate sheet.


1. Basic facts

A. A. On December 24, 1987, around December 24, 1987, registration of ownership was made in U, V, W, and X name on December 23, 1970 with respect to each one-fourths of the instant land among the instant land.

(2) After that, on November 17, 1987, the transfer registration for shares in V (1/4) among the land in this case was made on November 17, 1987 with respect to the transfer registration for shares due to inheritance, and on October 17, 197 with respect to W (1/4), the transfer registration for shares due to inheritance as of November 17, 1987, the transfer registration for shares due to inheritance as of June 15, 1986, and on X (1/4) shares due to inheritance as of November 17, 1987, the transfer registration for shares due to inheritance as of March 7, 1982, respectively was made.

B. The present state of the instant land (1) The road to which the instant land belongs was designated as a local highway AD through the Gyeonggi-do ConstructionC ( February 1, 1968). On July 19, 1996, the State-funded local highway AE as Presidential Decree of the State-funded local highway Designation Decree, and on August 25, 2001, the State-funded local highway AH was designated as a State-funded local highway AH as a Presidential Decree of the State-funded local highway Designation Decree.

(2) On December 24, 1987, the Plaintiff entered into a sales contract for the instant land with U, AB, Z, AA, Defendant R, S, T, C, D, Y, P, and Q, who is the owner of the instant land for the instant local highway AD expansion construction (hereinafter “instant sales contract”), and paid the land compensation to them as follows, and thereafter, the Plaintiff occupied and used the instant land as the road management authority until now.

The fixed amount of land subject to the order of priority shall be 1 AI 981,500 on December 24, 1987, 200 on January 17, 1989, 494,100 2 AJ 198,400 on January 17, 1989, 198,403 AK 1,302,600 on December 24, 1987; 45,004 AL 124,604,600 on December 1, 24, 1987; 124,600,000 on April 15, 198, 198; 205 AM 246,406, 400 on May 106, 198; 30 on June 16, 1984;

C. (1) As to each share of Z, AA, and AB among the instant land, the acquisition of land for public use on June 21, 2004.