(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2018.12.06 2017가단101186



1. The plaintiffs' claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by each person;


1. Basic facts

A. The relationship between the parties 8 Plaintiff A is the wife of the deceased F (hereinafter “the deceased”), and Plaintiff B and C as the offspring of the deceased, the Plaintiffs jointly inherited the deceased.

Defendant D is the representative of G Hospital (hereinafter referred to as “G Hospital”) where the deceased had knee-free surgery, and Defendant E is the employee of Defendant D and the doctor in charge of the operation of the deceased.

B. The Deceased’s surgery on the deceased was conducted on November 26, 2014, on the left-hand knee, with pains and modifications, and he/she was under preservation treatment, such as physical therapy, beeut, fel, and feld dysium, and was recommended by Defendant E to conduct artificial insemination on the left-hand knee.

Accordingly, the deceased was hospitalized in G Hospital and undergone an examination before the surgery, and in the examination of the pulmonary function of November 27, 2014, a minor limited ventilation disorder was found, according to the opinion of the chest case, the dives of multiple dives were observed, and in the examination of chest CT on November 28, 2014, there was a result that the dives of multiple dives accompanying the pulmonary dives were observed, and the examination was required to separate the pulmonary tuberculosis from pulmonary dive tuberculosis.

Accordingly, Defendant E postponed the surgery and compared the chest photographs of the deceased taken at another hospital, and diagnosed the disease of the deceased as a pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary scarcity, not a tuberculosis, and tried to perform the surgery against the deceased. -

On December 1, 2013, the Deceased was hospitalized in G Hospital to perform an operation, conducted vertebal anesthesia, and received artificial steculmatization (hereinafter “instant operation”).

C. After the instant surgery, the Deceased began to appeal to the answer of her chests around 5:25 on December 4, 2014. Defendant E performed a compromise with her internal medicine, and did not have a repulmonary condition, but did not her.

G Hospital inspected the deceased’s chest radiation on December 6, 2014, and on the same day as the deceased’s opinion on the suspicion of the pulmonary ray.