(영문) 대구지방법원 서부지원 2016.04.22 2015고단1776



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

"2015 Highest 1776"

1. Fraud;

A. The Defendant and the Defendant jointly committed the crime with C, even though they did not have the intent or ability to pay a siren normally from the beginning with C, received a siren from the victim Co., Ltd. to sell it as used goods through the Internet NAVER carpet, etc. The Defendant promptly leased the studs to receive delivery of sirens, upon arrival of the studs ordered by C, sent the studs to deliver them with C, brought them to the delivery site. Upon receipt of the orders from the purchaser of the above second and second countries, the Defendant ordered the sale of the sirens and distributed profits from the sale of the sirens to the management and distribution of the profits from the sale of the sirens, and C ordered the sirens in the name of D, a relative of C or C, and brought about the delivery site to the Defendant, and sold them to the above countries, and shared the profits from the sale.

Accordingly, on June 9, 2014, the Defendant and C entered into a siren agreement with the victim to lease one unit of 2,300,000 won at the market price of the victim under the condition that the victim would pay the rental cost of KRW 33,900 per month between Daegu-gu and 36 months.

As such, the Defendant deceivings the victim as if he were to pay sirens in collaboration with C as above, and then acquired one set lease worth KRW 2.3 million at the market price around the 13th day of the same month from the victim, by delivery, from the victim.

The Defendant, together with C, received, from August 22, 2014, approximately KRW 2,3960,000 of the market price from the victim company over 18 times in total, as shown in attached Table 1 of the List of Offenses from August 22, 2014.

B. The Defendant, C, and F’s joint crimes were committed with C and F, and the Defendant did not have the intention or ability to pay the normal sirens from the beginning, and instead fell from the victim Cowe Corporation to the siren, the air cleaner, etc.