(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.10.25 2017가단5152295



1. The plaintiff's claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiff is a management company that produces, plans, and distributes performances. The Defendants have been affiliated with the Plaintiff from March 2016 to the name of “F”.

B. On September 8, 2016, the Plaintiff and the Defendants entered into the instant exclusive agreement (hereinafter “instant exclusive agreement”) with the following content.

[Operating Culture and Arts Personnel Operation Contract] - Article 10062 of the standard terms and conditions of the Fair Trade Commission (Grant, etc. of Human Rights)

1. Eul delegates Gap a performance and event designated by Gap for the activities as popular culture artists under Article 4 (hereinafter referred to as “entertainment activities”) and exclusive management authority for the entertainment business, and Eul exercises the exclusive management authority delegated by Gap for the above entertainment business.

2. A shall exercise the right of management in good faith so that Party A’s designated performance and events, and entertainment business licenses may display his/her own talent and ability to the maximum extent possible, and shall endeavor to ensure that Party B’s personality rights, such as privacy security, in relation to entertainment activities, are not infringed inside and outside the country in relation to entertainment activities within the scope of the right of management.

3.B may not, for the duration of the contract, participate in the contribution negotiation by himself or through a third party other than A, or engage in entertainment activities, in connection with the entertainment activities under the exclusive authority of the public performance and events designated by A during the duration of the contract, or of entertainment activities under the exclusive authority of the management of entertainment business.

Article 3 (Term of Contract and Renewal)

1. The term of a contract shall be 36 months from September 8, 2016 to September 8, 2019;

Article 5 (Rights, Duties, etc. of A)

1.A shall have the following authority and obligations with respect to performance and events designated by A pursuant to this Agreement, and to entertainment business licenses:

2. A has the authority to conclude a contract with a third party on behalf of B, and in exercising the power of representation, A must have the physical and mental preparation status of B.