(영문) 특허법원 2020.03.06 2019허5324



1. The decision made by the Intellectual Property Tribunal on June 18, 2019 by the Intellectual Property Tribunal on the case shall be revoked.

2. The costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the defendant.


1. Basic facts

A. The title of the invention of this case (Evidence 1) 1: C2) filing date/registration date/registration number: D/ E/patentF3: Defendant 4) claims: Claim 1 【VOC Voltile Megale Megale Megale (organic organic compound): Total term of liquid or gaseous organic compound easily created in the air due to high steam pressure.

It refers to the substance that causes a optical chemical reaction in the atmosphere and results in a optical chemical reaction, such as ozone, and causes a optical chemical reaction.

Since air pollution as well as air pollution, it is the cause of global warming, it is a policy to reduce emissions to each country.

Multilocks, such as bene, ethylene, gasoline, etc., used in industry;

(N) With respect to the heat-resistant combustion apparatus for gas treatment, the heat-resistant combustion apparatus for treating the above VOC gas (640) shall be capable of generating revolving power, and the stringer (630) accelerating the speed of the racker’s revolving power, and the Tong (620) connecting the racker’s revolving power to deliver the racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s racker’s internal racker’s racker’s racker’s racked from 70 (60.7) external.8) external.