(영문) 서울행정법원 2014.10.08 2012구단26657



1. On April 12, 2012, the Defendant’s disposition of non-approval of medical care rendered to the Plaintiff on April 12, 2012, “(i) revolving the right shoulder.”


Details of the disposition

가. 청구인은 2007. 3. 12. 광진주류판매 주식회사(이하 ‘소외 회사’라 한다)에 입사하여 주류 배달원으로 근무하던 중 2011. 7. 20.경 화물차에서 내려오다 발목이 삐끗하여 부었으나 일이 바빠서 한의원과 병원에서 물리치료를 받으며 일을 강행하였고, 무거운 짐을 나르는 일로 무릎과 어깨에 심한 통증이 생겨 여러 의료기관을 다니다가 B병원에 내원하여"(1) 양측 견관절의 회전근개 파열, 관절와순 파열, 유착성 관절막염, 활액막염, 점액낭염, (2) 우측 견쇄관절 손상, (3) 좌측 슬관절의 내측 측부인대 부분파열, 연골판 파열, 와상성 활액막염, 관절연골 손상, (4) 좌측 족부의 염좌 및 비골건, 외측 비복 신경손상-신경종 형성, 제5장족지 신전건 손상, (5) 경추부 염좌, (6) 제5-6 경추간 추간판 탈출증, (7) 요배부 염좌, (8) 좌측 족관절의 염좌, 거골하 골관절염(종골 골절-부정유합)(이하 합하여 ‘이 사건 상병’이라 한다)을 진단받았다며 2012. 3. 12. 피고에게 요양급여를 신청하였다.

B. On April 12, 2012, the Defendant rejected the Plaintiff’s application for medical care benefits on the ground that the instant injury and disease cannot be deemed diseases caused by occupational reasons.

(hereinafter referred to as the "disposition in this case"). 【No dispute exists, the plaintiff's assertion in Eul evidence 1

A. From March 12, 2007, the Plaintiff: (a) started with a truck, and carried or was difficult to load a box for alcoholic beverages; (b) on October 2008, the Plaintiff went off from the vehicle to the point of loading and unloading to the point of view; (c) caused the Plaintiff to impose heavy burden on the vehicle; and (d) on a daily basis, the Plaintiff visited the hospital and received simple physical treatment on the ground that there were many pains in the process of loading and unloading the heavy alcoholic beverages, as well as putting them onto and unloading the vehicle on the shoulder and transporting the vehicle.

B. The Plaintiff, despite having gone to know as above, continued to work.