(영문) 춘천지방법원속초지원 2014.05.23 2013가단1565



1. All claims filed by the plaintiff (appointed party) and the designated parties are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiff (appointed party) and the plaintiff.


1. The following facts may be found either in dispute between the parties or in full view of the respective entries in Gap evidence 1, 2, 6 through 10, and Eul evidence 1 (including each number; hereinafter the same shall apply), and the whole purport of the pleadings:

The Plaintiff (Appointed Party, hereinafter referred to as the “Plaintiff”) and the Appointed C are the parents of the network D (hereinafter referred to as “the network”), and the Selection E, F, and G are the omission of the deceased.

B. On May 7, 2012, and September 4, 2012, the Deceased was pregnant while teaching with the Defendant, and was subject to each abortion surgery. At the time of the foregoing surgery, the Defendant signed on the “spouse” item of the written request for surgery.

C. On September 4, 2012, the Deceased went back to the house after undergoing a pregnancy termination surgery, and divided the conversation between the Defendant and the Defendant and the Kakakaook, and then, at around 11:45 on the same day, he saw as a result of the death at his own room located in Ha Sung-gun, Gangwon-gun.

The Plaintiff filed a criminal charge of aiding and abetting the Defendant with the Seocho District Public Prosecutor's Office in Chuncheon, but the Defendant was sentenced to a non-prosecution decision on October 22, 2012, which was suspected of committing suicide.

2. Under the summary of the cause of the instant claim, the Plaintiff and the designated parties suffered mental pain, and thus, the Defendant is obliged to pay consolation money to the Plaintiff and the designated parties.

① The Deceased transferred the message of suicide to the Defendant using the Kakao Stockholm immediately before the death, but the Defendant respondeded to an unbrupt attitude, and informed the Deceased, thereby adversely affecting the Deceased’s suicide. This was the direct and indirect cause of the Deceased’s suicide.

As such, the Defendant rendered suicide assistance or suicide assistance to the Deceased.

② After the death of the deceased, the Defendant did not immediately find out the funeral home of the deceased, and was found at the funeral home immediately thereafter, but the Defendant’s defect that the omission would lead to the Defendant.