(영문) 대구지방법원 서부지원 2019.09.19 2019고합102



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for seven years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete the sexual assault treatment program for 40 hours.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is between the victim B (math, 16 years of age) and female, and the victim is a person with a second degree disability in cerebral disease.

1. Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Rape with Minors under thirteen years of age) and violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes;

가. 피고인은 2014. 겨울경 대구 C에 있는 피해자(당시 11세)의 집에서 피해자의 모가 집을 비운 사이에 친딸인 피해자를 강간하기로 마음먹고 피해자의 브래지어를 위로 올려 가슴을 만지고 피해자의 가슴을 입으로 빨고 피해자의 팬티를 벗긴 후 입으로 피해자의 음부를 핥고 피고인의 성기를 피해자의 음부에 넣었다.

Despite the victim's refusal to speak, the defendant continued to engage in sexual intercourse and made a situation on the part of the victim.

Accordingly, the defendant raped the victim under 13 years of kinship.

나. 피고인은 2015. 여름경 위 피해자(당시 12세)의 집에서 피해자의 모가 집을 비운 사이에 친딸인 피해자를 강간하기로 마음먹고 피해자의 브래지어를 위로 올려 가슴을 만지고 피해자의 가슴을 입으로 빨고 피해자의 팬티를 벗긴 후 입으로 피해자의 음부를 핥고 피고인의 성기를 피해자의 음부에 넣었다.

Despite the victim's refusal to speak, the defendant continued to engage in sexual intercourse and made a situation on the part of the victim.

Accordingly, the defendant raped the victim under 13 years of kinship.

2. Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes;

A. The Defendant: (a) at the home of the above victim around the summer of 2017, her mother (at that time 14 years of age) decided to rape the victim’s friendly parent between his house and her house; (b) taken the her chest toward the victim’s her chest toward her mother; and (c) taken the victim’s chest toward the victim’s panty.